Monday, April 27, 2009

RIIFF Horror Newsletter

Stacy and I worked on this project together, and we decided to split up each side.  She took the front page and I did the back.  I had a section on the Lovecraft Walking tour.  We agreed on using a serif font for the text because it would be easier to read, so we chose Book Antiqua.  We also wanted to use something different for the headlines.  At first we used Papyrus, but it just did not look right. After trying many different fonts, we ended up choosing Lucida Blackletter. The headline of the entire newsletter was supposed to jump off the page so we downloaded a Creepsville font from the internet and bright green. It fits perfectly.  We converted all the images to black and white through photoshop, to create a creepy, old fashioned look.  The only graphic that still has it's color is the banner at the top of the back page, so that it would stand out more.  The format of our newsletter was not much different from our mock-up.  We basically put everything where we said we were going to, and just adjusted colors and fonts.  

Choosing coloring for the news letter was very difficult.  We knew we wanted to use a black background, but we were unsure about the text color.  At first we had yellow text, then purple, then red, but none of them looked right.  After getting some advice from Professor Shiebler, we did a black and gray background.   The gray background had a bit of gradient in it, and  black text.  The black background had white text. It ended up coming out to look really good. We had trouble getting everything to fit on the pages, but once we got everything on there, we adjusted sizes to make it fit.   

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